Keep Chapel Hill a Livable Town

Our goals:

  • Advocate for local practical policies that address our #1 problem: Global Warming
  • Improve traffic and transit problems;
  • Protect and improve our college town character;
  • Require high standards for new sustainable development;
  • Promote affordable housing, jobs and parks for all residents to enjoy;
  • Spend tax monies efficiently;
  • Encourage open, respectful, and civil community dialogue;
  • Promote transparency in government at all levels;
  • Help citizens make their government work for them. We will meet with anyone who is seeking to solve a problem dealing with town governance.

,What we do:

  • Offer constructive suggestions to Town leaders on matters of policy, planning, and governance with the aid of well researched and data driven analysis;
  • Grow a network of Chapel Hill residents and other stakeholders who share subject matter expertise and an interest in keeping our town livable;
  • Produce a newsletter with timely essays and comment on local issues, hold public educational forums by noted speakers, all for the purpose of bringing thoughtful discourse and constructive change to our community;
  • Educate neighbors about Town policies on transportation, affordable housing, financial management, and the implications of poorly planned new development; and
  • Identify and support candidates for elected office who share our organization’s values.

We face these challenges:There is a housing crisis nationwide that makes it difficult to find housing people can afford at all levels.

  • Nationwide trends favor low borrowing rates for storage sheds and luxury apartments, not retail or office.
  • Redevelopment of older properties reduces the stock of affordable rentals nationwide and here in Chapel Hill.
  • UNC housing policies charge fairly high rates for on-campus living, thus encouraging off-campus living.
  • We are slow to put plans in place to address rapidly growing traffic congestion on our major roadways.
  • Tribalism is a feature of our national politics. Sometimes it happens in local politics, too. Our organization encourages respect for and exploration of all points of view, and a thorough analysis of new ideas.

We believe that if we succeed in electing the right leaders, we can mitigate paralyzing traffic congestion, support neighborhoods, preserve tree canopy, and become a model city for North Carolina.

Newsletter Signup

Chapel Hill Matters. That’s what we believe, and that’s what we aim to bring to you. Our goal is to bring information about local issues to you when you need it.