Candidate Questions

Thank you to the candidates for their willingness to serve our community by running for elected office. We asked each candidate to answer the question in just a few minutes as each question had a follow up.

1. If elected, what would you set as your top three priorities for Orange County.  Among these priorities, is there one where you feel less qualified? Where would you go to get informed?

2. Orange County is facing a financial crisis as needs outpace revenue.  How will you urge the county address this year’s 7 million dollar shortfall?  What County spending priorities will you advocate if elected? Which of your priorities will justify a tax increase?

3. Housing that our county residents can afford remains a critical need. How do we move from talk to action? What do you judge to be the most effective strategies the County has employed?   The least effective?

–  What role, if any, should for-profit developers play in Affordable Housing? What is your view toward mixed income housing? What approaches are unexplored so far?

4. The County has primary responsibility for public education. How will you fund the $200+ million backlog in school capital needs and establish a transparent funding process that separates facilities spending from operating spending (paying teachers)?  What are you willing to delay?

–   What would you change about the process the Commission uses to set school budgets?

5.  Turning finally to transportation.  What is your view of the efficacy of the light rail plan? If the state and federal funding provide 60% of funds or less for Durham Orange Light rail, will you vote for the project to move into construction. If yes, do you have any concerns? If no, what would you do with our transit dollars instead?

– How can the gridlock on 15-501  predicted by the 2030 mobility study be addressed in light of the bulk of funding going to light rail?

– Give some practical suggestions on how bus service connectivity throughout the County could be improved?