Press Release CHALT endorsements


Chapel Hill                                                     Contact: Del Snow, 919 942-5274


CHALT Endorses Crawford for County At-Large Seat, Bedford for District 1, and McKee for District 2.

Today, the Chapel Hill Alliance for a Livable Town (CHALT) announces their endorsements for the May 8, 2018 Orange County Democratic primary election. The organization has endorsed Brian Crawford for the at-large seat, Jamezetta Bedford for District 1, and Earl McKee for District 2.

“CHALT’s endorsements are based on individual interviews and a rigorous evaluation of candidates based on specific criteria,” said Del Snow, former chair of the Chapel Hill Planning Board and member of CHALT’s selection committee. “These criteria include a record of effective public service and an ability to offer practical suggestions to address the challenges Orange County faces in areas such as public schools, housing, transportation, and economic development. CHALT also considered personal qualities, such as listening skills, respect for dissenting views, and critical thinking, that will allow for effective collaboration with colleagues and all levels of government in the County.

Brian Crawford, 54, is a practicing attorney at Sanford Holshouser law firm, specializing in community development. Brian is a doer, a former Chair of the Orange County Planning Board, and founder of the County Affordable Housing Advisory Board. Through years of community service, Brian has shown a passion for educational excellence. If elected, Brian will be the only commissioner with a child in Orange County Schools, which gives him a personal stake in ensuring Orange County’s continued leadership in public education. Brian brings a seasoned approach to housing and affordability that works hand-in-hand with economic growth. A skilled consensus builder, he knows how to work across organizations and connect governments with private sector and other stakeholders. Finally, Brian recognizes the need for a stronger, more cost-effective public transportation system that improves access to jobs, healthcare, and education for all Orange County residents.

Jamezetta Bedford, 59, is running unopposed for District 1 Orange County NC Commissioner. Jamezetta’s prior service as Chair of the Chapel Hill – Carrboro City Schools Board will bring to her work on the BOCC—the board responsible for funding and maintaining our public schools—her deep understanding of the challenges facing our schools as well as their strengths. As a practicing CPA, she understands the budgetary details of the County’s critical role in providing affordable housing and mental health, senior, and disability services and brings much needed expertise in fiscal policy and finance.

Earl McKee, 65, is an 8-year incumbent Commissioner who has established a record on the Board for practical solutions that are strategically and fiscally sound. As Co-chair of the Emergency Services Task Force, he was instrumental in recommending solutions that reduced emergency response times and increased overall efficiency. Earl has advocated for regional bus transit solutions that will benefit all Orange County residents and has demonstrated a healthy skepticism regarding the merits and cost-effectiveness of the proposed Durham-Orange light rail project.

“We believe that these three candidates will provide the Orange County Board of Commissioners with the best combination of experienced leadership and fresh perspectives,” said Snow. “Along with 2-term incumbent commissioner Earl McKee, Brian and Jamezetta will provide the vision and critical thinking needed to lead Orange County successfully in the coming years.”



The Chapel Hill Alliance for a Livable Town (CHALT) was founded in 2015 by former members of Chapel Hill town governance, UNC faculty members and other community leaders. Its goals are to apply evidence and data to maintain high standards for development and environmental protection, solve traffic problems, keep Chapel Hill’s schools strong and make the town affordable for individuals of all income levels. You can find out more at