Selection Criteria 2018

Does the candidate demonstrate?

  • A commitment to make steady progress toward these community goals and an understanding of their complexity;
  • Ability to offer practical suggestions about how each goal can be addressed;
  • The personal qualities and skills to work constructively with colleagues and community members to accomplish these goals, i.e. listening skills, respect for dissenting views, critical thinking and problem solving skills, perseverance and energy, and ability to understand complexity and communicate effectively
  • Acknowledgement of the need for a vision that looks at the whole county comprehensively in order to evaluate cumulative impact.

Process for selection.  Discussion and numerical scoring for each parameter:

  1.  How they did on the questions:  discuss answers for each question from our notes.
  2.  What do we know about their past accomplishments, whether it’s their record in office or service in the community.
  3.  Personal qualities desirable for the Board  in light of the CHALT criteria listed above.