Estes Neighbors’ Safety Proposals Adopted

Neighbors are encouraged by the constructive actions taken to date by Town and DOT officials to improve the safety of pedestrians on this busy road. At the February 9th Town Council meeting, Town Transportation Planner Bergan Waterson presented the status of various...

Two Middle School Students Hit by SUV in Crosswalk

Parents, teachers, students and neighbors are calling for action after an SUV hit and seriously injured two middle-school students trying to cross Estes Drive in a marked crosswalk joining Caswell Road and the Estes Hills neighborhood with Guy B. Phillips Middle...

Town Reports Delay in Estes Drive Improvements

Neighbors from Coker Hills, Coker Hills West, Estes Hills and Huntington-Sommerset met today November 10th with Chapel Hill’s planning director, Colleen Willger, and transportation planners Josh Mayo and Bergen Watterson. The Town recorded the session and we assume...