On January 10th, 2019, GoTriangle officials met with Orange County and Durham County elected officials around a conference table in downtown Durham to discuss recent route and cost challenges to the Durham Orange Light Rail project. (This is not a photo of the actual meeting.)

Many assumed that given the intense public interest in a meeting between GoTriangle officials and elected officials occurring at a critical time that this meeting would be open to the public. We anticipated that that the topics covered would include how taxpayer funds will be used, proposed trade-offs and cuts, and what taxes might be needed to pay for the additional costs.

When we asked for meeting details, we were surprised to learn that GoTriangle and other elected officials did not consider this meeting subject to the open meetings law. Interim Director of Operations for GoTriangle John Tallmadge and Durham Mayor Steve Schewel did not say why the meeting could not be open to the public. Certainly all records generated by the meeting are public record and should be reported to the constituents governments.

A meeting that is not open to the public denies the public critical time-sensitive information about this controversial project. Citizens have the moral right to hear and understand discussion on matters which will affect them, especially since anything the group of elected representatives decided on will not likely be altered by your respective elected boards. Otherwise, we have in essence, critical public policy made behind closed doors. We can do better and we call upon the constituent governments to insist upon open meetings going forward.

Sunshine laws in North Carolina

Read letter to County Chairs here